Cheif Scout Award

The Scouts have six awards that link in to our full programme and all the skills for life we give. These are the five Chief Scout Awards and they culminate in the Queen's Scout Award.

All of them require our young people to develop new skills, get into the outdoors, have an adventure and play a part in our communities. Each award is a real achievement for our young people and leaders should aim to help as many of our young people reach the top as possible.

Bronze, Silver and Gold

The first three awards, the Chief Scout's Bronze, Silver and Gold awards, are the highest possible awards achievable in Beavers, Cubs and Scouts respectively.

They are achieved by earning every challenge award for the section, covering every area of the programme, as well as a number of activity badges to develop some specific skills.

Platinum and Diamond

Chief Scout's Platinum and Diamond Awards

The final three awards, the Chief Scout's Platinum Award, Chief Scout's Diamond Award and the Queen's Scout award are available in the Explorer Scout and Scout Network sections.

All three are linked to the DofE awards and the five challenges for those awards can be used for these awards.

The Chief Scout's Platinum Award is open to Explorers and is linked to Bronze DofE. As well as completing some time volunteering, learning a new skill, getting better at a physical activity and a two day expedition as well as some activities from the International, Community and Values list.

The Chief Scout's Diamond Award is open to both Explorers and Scout Network and is linked to the Silver DofE award. The requirements are similar and require a three day expedition.

Chief Scout's Gold, Bronze and Silver Awards

Chief Scout's Platinum and Diamond Awards